
This herb is commonly known as Rue or Herb O'Grace. This ancient medicinal plant is a hardy perennial that grows upright to 2 feet high and 12 inches wide. Its attractive foliage is silvery blue-green, and in early summer, many stalks of pretty yellow flowers shoot up above the foliage. The leaves can be added, in very small amounts only, to salads and sandwiches. Pregnant woman should not eat Rue. Handling the plant, especially when in bloom, can cause skin irritation. Dried leaves are often used in wreaths and other decorations.

Pot Cultivation

Plant Rue in a sunny location after there is no danger of frost. The leaves will develop an intense blue color in moist, well drained soil. Lighten heavy soil with cinders, sand, and compost, leaf mold, or humus.


Start seeds indoors in a mixture of 2 parts potting soil to 1 part sharp sand or perlite. Tip cuttings can also be rooted.

R. graveolens
R. patavina


  • R. graveolens;
  • R. patavina;
  • R. suaveolens.
  • Dwarf Rue and hybrids with very silvery-blue foliage, such as Jackman's Blue, are available. These are often used in rock gardens and as color accents. 

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